Monday 26 November 2012


"Whosoever has heard the law of virtue and vice is as one who has eyes and carries a lamp, seeing everything and will become completely wise."


Monday 19 November 2012

Helena Pretrorova Blavastsky - "The voice of silence".

"Let they soul lend its ear to every cry of pain…let each human tear drop on thy heart and there remain,…until the pain that caused it is removed"

Helena Pretrorova Blavastsky - "The voice of silence".

Monday 12 November 2012

Will Parfitt - The Qabalah

"Any aspect of our being and our energy that we exclude from awareness becomes part of our shadow...The more shadow we have, the more we are excluding...the more it restricts our free movement. Conversely, the more material from this 'shadow bag' we can dredge out, face, deal with, and integrate into our conscious being, the lighter the bag becomes and the more energy we have available to fulfil our life functions..." 

Will Parfitt - The Qabalah

Monday 5 November 2012

Will Parfitt - The Qabalah

Grounding: "All work starts in Malkuth and ends there." Failing to realize this means "building a castle on the sands of the Abyss.

Will Parfitt - The Qabalah.

Malkuth is the Hebrew name for the Kingdom i.e. The Earth.